Development boards / Microcontrollers - part 3 - ESP


ESP32 is low cost microcontroller with builtin WIFI, Bluetooth or both. It is very easy and fast way to create own IoT devices.
This solution gives more accessible device even from start (for example control from smartphone via bluetooth or WIFI...)

What is ESP exactly?

ESP8266 - Source:

ESP32 -


All basic informations about ESP's are included on attached page

Development boards

We can find incredible amount of dev boards with ESP.

Here is comparision

Development boards - ESP WROOM32


ESP WROOM32 - Source:

Here is data sheet for ESP32 WROOM32 which contains all important information to work with this board and MCU. 


For programming ESP32 we can use Arduino IDE with Arduino core for ESP just for work it is neccessary to add additional boards link in IDE settings,
Arduino IDE - Source:

For programming we can use following languages as well:
  • Espressif IDF (IoT Development Framework)
  • Micropython
  • JavaScript
  • LUA
On this page is plenty of informations about specification, programming and examples of ESP.

Example projects on ESP 

Here is 10 Brilliant IoT project ideas

