Arduino is very friendly embedded platform to start with electronics and programming. Provided IDE contains a lot of example programs so even people without knowledge about programming can step in very fast in this world.
It is very helpful for fast prototyping simple solutions even in bigger projects because it is almost ready to go without any harder configuration of perhipherals.
On this page We can find a details and informations about Arduino company, Arduino development board, expansions(shields), program examples.
Arduino UNO R3 - Source: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/what-is-an-arduino/all
Dev board parts - Source: https://learn.adafruit.com/assets/33494 |
Most boards uses ATMEL AVR microcontroller.
Microcontroller ATMEL AVR
It is data sheet for ATMEL AVR 328 MCU. Here is everything about build, schematics, specifications, possibilities, low level instructions and more about this microcontroller.
Most popular boards...
It is a lot variants of development boards.
The most popular:
- Arduino UNO
- Arduino MEGA
- Arduino NANO
- Arduino DUE
URL: https://maker.pro/arduino/tutorial/a-comparison-of-popular-arduino-boards
This page tells about: A Comparison of Popular Arduino Boards
It could be helpful to choose specific board to project and reduce uneccessary costs.
Arduino uses its own programming language which is stripped down version of C++.
Example code of blinking LED(Blink):
URL: https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/
This is reference for Arduino programming language. It contains informations about functions, variables and structures.
URL: https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/libraries/
This is page with helpful libraries which We can use in our projects and save a lot of time.
My favorite board
My best Arduino development board is Arduino MEGA 2560. It is very powerful board with ATMEL ATMEGA 2560 MCU.
This development board has 54 Input/Output lines (15 provide PWM output), 256 KB of which 8 KB used by bootloader.
Arduino MEGA 2560 Rev3 - Source: https://store.arduino.cc/products/arduino-mega-2560-rev3
More informations about board.
Why I like it?
This board has a lot of I/O, more memory than UNO, few hardware communication outputs,
more PWM outputs than UNO. It can be helpful in bigger projects to fit everything in one device.
Example projects
Video about 15 Great Arduino Projects for beginners
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